During one request, Caim finds Eustia, a winged girl who emits the pale purple light characteristic of the 'Gran Forte' incident years ago. After the surface of the world succumbed to chaos centuries ago, the city of Novus Aether is kept afloat in the sky solely by the continual prayers offered by the Saint. In the 'Prison' resides Caim Astraea, a freelance ex-assassin who does odd jobs for his friend, the head of The Noncorroding Gold Chains, for money. Anyone interested in providing TLC work for Aiyoku no Eustia Anyone who's been following along with its progress in the weekly translation status threads has probably noticed that Aiyoku no Eustia hit 100 translated and edited status weeks ago- and has remained in TLC since, with fractions of a percent of progress per week. Meanwhile, a contagious disease which causes the infected to grow wings has spread throughout the city, and a unit commonly known as the “Wing Hunters” has been formed to deal with these people swiftly and often violently. Looking for information on the light novel Aiyoku no Eustia Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. Crime, famine, and disease run rampant, with “The Noncorroding Gold Chains”, the ruling organization in the area specializing in the sex trade, keeping what little order that still exists. Countless lives and property were lost or irreversibly affected in what would be known as the greatest disaster in the city’s history.In time, the lowest layer, known as the “Prison”, became the home to people who lost much of their former lives during the “Gran Forte”. Years ago, when the Saint’s prayer was interrupted, an incident known as the “Gran Forte” occurred, causing a portion of the land to fall and split the lower city into two, separated by a cliff. Aiyoku no Eustia is a contender for the studio's best work, telling a compelling story defined by class division, intriguing mysteries, and memorable characters. In the visual novel sphere, August is a developer that needs little introduction. Countless lives and property were lost or irreversibly affected in what would be known as the greatest disaster in the citys history. Aiyoku no Eustia is Augusts eighth game, preceded by Fortune Arterial and Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na: Moonlight Cradle. 14 Aiyoku no Eustia (8.42) English Title: Eustia of the Tarnished Wings. Years ago, when the Saints prayer was interrupted, an incident known as the 'Gran Forte' occurred, causing a portion of the land to fall and split the lower city into two, separated by a cliff. In time, the lowest layer, known as the 'Prison', became the home to people who lost much of their former lives during the 'Gran Forte'.
Meanwhile, a contagious disease which causes the infected to grow wings has spread throughout the city, and a unit commonly known as the “Wing Hunters” has been formed to deal with these people swiftly and often violently.After the surface of the world succumbed to chaos centuries ago, the city of Novus Aether is kept afloat in the sky solely by the continual prayers offered by the Saint. Aiyoku no Eustia (, Aiyoku no Ysutia, lit.'Eustia of the Tarnished Wings') is a Japanese adult visual novel developed by August for Windows and was released on April 28, 2011. Countless lives and property were lost or irreversibly affected in what would be known as the greatest disaster in the citys history. Popularity: 1583rd, it has 20 monthly views. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Aiyoku no Eustia. Rating: Average 8.1 / 10 out of 70240 total votes. This website does not support Adblock plugins,you have to whitelist this domain before using it ,otherwise there will be missing pages or page crash.
Crime, famine, and disease run rampant, with “The Noncorroding Gold Chains”, the ruling organization in the area specializing in the sex trade, keeping what little order that still exists. Aiyoku no Eustia : Aiyoku no Eustia summary is updating. Welcome Reader Instruction: Mobile: tap 1-2 seconds and tap off ,then the Next /Previous buttons will show up ,PC:click,<-> arrows keys also work.In time, the lowest layer, known as the “Prison”, became the home to people who lost much of their former lives during the “Gran Forte”. Countless lives and property were lost or irreversibly affected in what would be known as the greatest disaster in the city’s history. Aiyoku no Eustia is August's eighth game, preceded by Fortune Arterial and Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na: Moonlight Cradle. 'Eustia of the Tarnished Wings') is a Japanese adult visual novel developed by August for Windows and was released on April 28, 2011. Years ago, when the Saint’s prayer was interrupted, an incident known as the “Gran Forte” occurred, causing a portion of the land to fall and split the lower city into two, separated by a cliff. Aiyoku no Eustia (, Aiyoku no Ysutia, lit. After the surface of the world succumbed to chaos centuries ago, the city of Novus Aether is kept afloat in the sky solely by the continual prayers offered by the Saint.